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Luke Dumler, McElroy’s plumbing service manager, celebrates 10 years with McElroy’s on September 2, 2024.


Service Luke Dumler: 10 Years of Steady Solutions

September 03, 2024

“Luke Dumler manages our plumbing service team and also offers a broad range of expertise to our overall company,” said McElroy’s Chairman Dan Beal. “He holds master’s licenses in plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems, plus many additional certifications. He’s a level-headed leader who delegates effectively, holds people accountable, and appreciates a job well done. I especially value how Luke pitches in to help the greater good any way he can.” Luke notches his 10th anniversary with McElroy’s on September 2, 2024. We’re glad to celebrate Luke for the very high level of customer satisfaction his department achieves, and for his key contributions to the McElroy’s leadership team.

Mechanical Interest

Luke grew up on a farm near Oakley, Kansas. “We raised row crops: corn, soybeans and sunflowers. Everyone was expected to help,” said Luke. “When I was six or seven, a mechanic came from Colby to fix our irrigation pump motor. I was fascinated watching him work, and I’ve been hooked on all things mechanical ever since. My first job, the summer after eighth grade, was working for a local mechanic.” In addition to his studies – Luke especially liked math and science – he was active in football, golf, and throwing events in track and field. He also worked throughout school, helping on the farm, for the mechanic shop in Oakley and at a Goodyear tire store.

Luke Dumler, McElroy’s plumbing service manager, works on a commercial water heating system.Wildlife Biologist or Tradesman?

“After graduation, I tried college for a year at Fort Hays State, but I wasn’t ready for it yet,” Luke said. “I went back to the Goodyear shop for a year and then moved to Manhattan, Kansas, to attend Kansas State. I love the outdoors and wanted to be a wildlife biologist, so I studied biology and chemistry. However, I discovered that to earn a good living in wildlife and parks, I’d need a higher degree.” While he was studying, Luke worked for a Manhattan Goodyear shop and also on a framing crew. “There was a major housing boom in Manhattan, so there was plenty of opportunity for anyone who likes working with their hands. I’m a naturally hard worker and made good money, so I decided to stick with the trades.”

Plumbing and the Union

In 2004 Luke had the chance to get an extra work benefit. “Reid Plumbing in Manhattan offered health coverage, which I wasn’t getting as a framer, so I switched jobs,” Luke said. “Tony Reid taught me the plumbing and HVAC trade. The housing boom was still going strong and I was working with really good, experienced coworkers. I worked hard and learned quickly.” In about five years, Luke was running large-scale commercial projects from Manhattan to Salina and Topeka. To expand their reach, Reid decided to contract with the plumbers/pipefitters union. Luke signed up with the union and began managing even bigger jobs – including plumbing and HVAC – as far away as Kansas City, Hutchinson and Wichita. “I was going job to job, supervising the manpower. That went on for about five years, and then the Reid company decided to get out of the union. I was only six months shy of union vestment, so leaving the union wasn’t going to work for me.”

Luke Dumler, McElroy’s plumbing service manager, meets with Rendy Habiger, McElroy’s plumbing service sales.Opportunities with McElroy’s

McElroy’s was a union-affiliated company with operations in Manhattan, so Luke applied to join their service team. “I was thinking of starting my own business, but McElroy’s is a solid company and the position came with a vehicle,” Luke said. “It felt like the right move.” In just a matter of months, that move turned into an even bigger opportunity. In late 2014 the McElroy’s plumbing service manager retired. McElroy’s Chairman Dan Beal was well aware of the scale of work and the number of employees that Luke was capable of managing, so he offered Luke the manager’s position. Luke said yes.

Trusting and Fair

Rendy Habiger, McElroy’s plumbing sales, was already a 25-year veteran of McElroy’s at the time and he knew Luke from working with him in Manhattan. “I was happy Luke took the manager’s job. I knew he’d be a heck of a good boss!” Rendy said. “He doesn’t micro-manage the plumbing service team because he trusts everyone to get their jobs done. When you do need guidance, Luke’s door is always open to offer help or advice. Usually, he’ll ask you questions and lead you to think it through. He’s a good teacher, that way. Luke also deals with customers very fairly. When someone has a concern, he listens carefully and finds ways to work it out so everyone is satisfied.”

How Things Work

As a technician, Luke is very good at seeing how things work, and troubleshooting to solve problems. Likewise, he understands how business practices and processes work, and he figures out how to fix issues and make improvements. “I do a lot of bidding and profitability assessments,” Luke said. “I’m pretty good with numbers and I like to track trends and identify what makes for smart, profitable business and what doesn’t.” Luke understands what works with employee management, too. “Exceptionally good plumbers are very self-driven, and they are rare – maybe one in 20. While each plumber has different things they do especially well, and their own ways to get the job done right, I know I can trust them because they care, and they’re loyal.”

Luke Dumler, works at his computer to manage the McElroy’s plumbing service department.Team Player

Luke’s problem-solving approach goes well beyond the plumbing service department. For example, Luke is instrumental in helping McElroy’s obtain licensing that allows the company to work in various municipalities across Kansas and in other states. “Luke is a solid team player who educates himself on the different requirements various locales have for the trades to be licensed in their jurisdictions. He gets McElroy’s the documents we need to do our jobs,” said McElroy’s Vice President, Keith Watkins. “He has also played a key role in McElroy’s safety policy and procedures. Even with everything he does for our company, Luke has his priorities straight. You can see the joy in his face whenever he talks about his kids!”

Sports and More

The Dumler family lives near Westmoreland, Kansas. Luke and his wife, Randi, have four children – all of whom are standout athletes. Lydia, soon to turn 16, Allie, age 13 and Elise, age 11 all play softball, volleyball and basketball at a high level. Hank, age 8, is an avid athlete in football, baseball and wrestling. “Randi’s favorite activity is being a mom,” Luke said. "She is very social, and volunteers for practically everything. She’ll be the head coach of our middle school volleyball team this year. When the kids were younger, I used to coach their teams. As things get more competitive, I leave that to others – but I’m still assisting with Hank’s flag football team.” The entire family also enjoys the outdoors. Everyone likes to fish, and Lydia has accompanied Luke on pheasant hunting outings as well. When they can, the Dumlers also like getting together with extended family, most of whom live farther west, in the Victoria/Gorham and Oakley areas.

Good at Fixing

“Solid” and “Steady” are two words you often hear describing Luke. He’s even keeled and never lets challenges get him worked up. Instead, he uses his ability to figure out what works to solve whatever problems he, or the company as a whole, may face. “Since I was a kid, I’ve been good at figuring out how to fix stuff,” Luke said. We appreciate Luke’s understanding of the mechanics of plumbing and HVAC systems, and the mechanics of running a successful business. His level-headed approach to solutions is very valuable to the McElroy’s team, and we hope Luke will continue to apply his talents as a McElroy’s leader for many years to come!

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