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Case Study

EducationThe University of Kansas

Construction: The DeBruce Center

Lawrence, KS 32,000 SQ FT

Completed: April 18, 2016

      When alumnus David Booth donated Dr. James Naismith’s hand-typed “Original Rules of Basket Ball” to the University of Kansas – where Dr. Naismith was the first basketball coach – the Rules required a home that was both worthy of, and safe for, the historic document.

      The University of Kansas chose McElroy’s to build the climate control, plumbing, and air delivery for the impressive DeBruce Center, where the Rules would be displayed in safety while ensuring visitor comfort.

      Whether your building will house precious artifacts, or precious people, count on the innovators at McElroy's to deliver cost-conscious comfort, safety and dependability every time.


  • Complete air-delivery system
  • Building automation installation and programming
  • Domestic water piping, pump and waste systems
  • Cooling towers with remote basin
  • Hydronic piping, chilled/heating
  • Process water, chilled ice water and hot water
  • Chiller plant, HVAC and exhaust systems
  • Refrigerant and gas piping
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